Mental health

Find out how to get support for your mental health.

Get support without seeing a GP

You may get help sooner if you use the services below. You do not need to see a GP first.

Healthy Surrey – Mental Wellbeing Support

This site offers information on local support and services for anyone:

  • Facing a mental health crisis or breakdown
  • Experiencing emotional distress or mental health concerns
  • Dealing with long-term conditions or situations affecting mental health, such as eating disorders or bereavement.

Talking Therapies

Talking Therapies Surrey is a free NHS service offering short-term psychological therapies for a range of common mental health problems. There is no need to see a GP first. 

The service is free for all patients aged 17+.

See things that Talking Therapies can help with
  • feeling stressed and worried all the time
  • trouble sleeping
  • difficulty recovering from coronavirus (long-covid)
  • feeling low and hopeless (including during or after pregnancy)

Contact the surgery

If the services above are not suitable, you can contact the surgery by phone.

Contact the surgery

If you need urgent help:

NHS urgent mental health helplines are for people of all ages. You can:

  • get 24-hour advice and support – for you or someone else
  • speak to a mental health professional
  • get advice on the best way to get help
Find a local NHS urgent mental health helpline

Other organisations that could help you

There are a number of other NHS services and charity groups that work in our area.