Nov. 21, 2024
1.30-1.40 pm join the zoom meeting – meeting invite on the next page
1. Agree October minutes
2. Apologise Ashtead Players - action and way communicated.
3. AOB arising from October minutes?
4. Check list for joining or leaving the PPG
a. What needs to go onto this check list?
5. News from the Surgery
a. Surgery request for a Bike rack for 5 bikes as part of improving the exit.
1.50 – 2pm
6. Recruitment update on what and how
a. Tim Robertson, expressed interest to join but not free to meet until mid November, coordinating with Jess to arrange this
b. Email to mailing list saying looking for members to join the committee
c. Which recruiting actions to focus on
7. Support for Carers – Please see the attached email and quality markers pdf. & St Stephen’s initiative which goes live later this month.
8. Newsletter.
a. Articles agreed
b. Article from someone on the committee?
c. Article about appointments and how to make them i.e. doctor, nurse, physio, medicine review etc.
9. Facebook
a. Recruiting ad on FB?
2.35pm – 2.40pm
10. AGM – with or without fundraising next year?
2.40pm – 2.45pm
11. Reminder Chris has sent the links out to test the questions in the survey. Please do and send Chris feedback.
12. Bank signatories.2.55pm-3pm
13. Any Other Business