Check and Cancel
St Stephen’s House Surgery now has a new option on the telephone system called ‘Check and Cancel’ which is a self-serve option for patients to check upcoming appointments and to cancel future appointments.
We have found that over the last few months we have had an increase in patients not attending their appointments (DNA), June alone was 76 appointments that were not cancelled or attended, therefore going to waste.
When we reviewed our patient survey which the PPG kindly carried out for us, appointment waiting times were the main issue for our patients. With the new option on our phone system we would like to see the number DNA’s reduced along with the number of comments regarding waiting times.
Please use option one when you phone the surgery if you wish to cancel or check your appointment. You will be asked to enter your date of birth, if your phone number is not recognised this may direct you to the appointments system. Please ensure that your contact details are up to date.
Thank you
Jane White
Practice Manager
St Stephen’s House Surgery
Published on 1 July 2024